I do not update this page as often as I should, be sure to follow me on Instagram and on Facebook for more frequent updates! I woke up at 5am this morning to shoot the lunar eclipse. Conditions were perfect, I setup the camera with 300mm lens attached, started the intervalometer taking photos every 3 seconds and sat and watched the moon turn red. It was pretty incredible to watch!

I plan on making a time lapse with the 1,000 photos I took during the eclipse, the trouble is I want to find a way to align the photos so that the eclipse happens without the moon moving across the screen. Once I figure that out I’ll post the time lapse.

In the mean time, here is a quick look at the entire eclipse in one photo!


This morning's Lunar Eclipse all at once! #lunareclipse #ma_bloodmoon #bloodmoon #eclipse #moon #astrophotography #moon_awards #igers_toledo #toledo

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